350+ Best Collection of Funny Instagram Captions

funny instagram captions

Instagram is one of the best social networking website that allow us to share photos and videos with our close friends and followers. If you are Instagram user then you may know about captions and importance of the captions in this modern world. These captions are becoming an essential part of every post, which helps to add circumstance to posts and also best way to connect with followers.

We can all agree that serious content on Instagram can occasionally depress us, so why not inject some humor into the feed with some Funny Instagram Captions?

Funny Instagram Captions are the popular way to gain followers and keep them coming back to your profile. Here we have collected these Instagram funny captions for you to add some comedy to your Instagram profile to gain more followers and make them entertained.

But it’s not always easy to create Instagram funny captions. In this brief article , we have shared the best funny Instagram captions for different classification such as funny short captions, funny captions for couples and funny captions for friends. So lets go and select any of your favorite funny caption for Instagram.

funny instagram captions

Best Instagram Funny Captions

“I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy-saving mode.”

“I wish I could turn back time, to when I didn’t have to wear a bra.”

“I don’t always take selfies, but when I do, I make sure my best friend is in it.”

“Life is short, but my lashes are long.”

“I’m not short, I’m just concentrated awesome.”

“I’m not crazy, my reality is just different from yours.”

“I don’t have a bad attitude, I have a sarcastic one.”

“Hashtags kinda look like waffles. Am I right?!”

“I don’t always have a witty caption, but when I do, I forget it.”

“I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.”

“I need a six-month vacation, twice a year.”

“That awkward moment when you’re wearing Nikes but you can’t do it.”

“I don’t always have my life together, but my outfit usually does.”

“I’m not procrastinating, I’m just prioritizing my nap time.”

“My favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch. I call it lunch.”

“Stay strong, I whispered to my WiFi signal.”

“Can I help you?”

“Young, dumb, and broke.”

“It’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.”

“How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it.”

“Dogs out.”

“These vibes only.”

“How’s the algorithm treating YOU today?”

“The beach you to it.”

“Basically a detective.”

“Flights, not feelings.”

“The only marathons I run are on Netflix.”

“Not lazy, just in energy-saving mode.”

“I’m not old, I’m just chronologically gifted.”

“Life is short so smile while you still have teeth.”

“I’m not sure what my mood is, but I definitely need coffee.”

“I’m not weird, I’m just limited edition.”

“Praying to the algorithm gods.”

“Reality called, so I hung up.”

“Being this funny is like, a full-time job.”

“I’m not always right, but I’m never wrong.”

“I’m not perfect, but my eyebrows are.”

“I don’t always wear makeup, but when I do, I transform into a unicorn.”

“I don’t need a filter, I’m naturally radiant.”

“I’m not a morning person, I’m a coffee person.”

Short Funny Instagram Captions

“I can’t adult today.”

“I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.”

“I need a six-month vacation, twice a year.”

“I’m not short, I’m just concentrated awesome.”

“I’m not lazy, I’m just conserving my energy.”

“Life is short, smile while you still have teeth.”

“I’m not fat, I’m just easy to see.”

“I’m not arguing, I’m just passionately expressing my opinion.”

Stay strong, I whispered to my WiFi signal.

That awkward moment when you’re wearing Nikes but you can’t do it.

I like hashtags ’cause they look like waffles.

Praying to the algorithm gods.

Reality called, so I hung up.

Being this funny is like, a full-time job.

Holding it all together with just one bobby pin.

Do I clean up nice or what?

May your coffee be hot and your eyeliner even.

PSA: I did not wake up like this.

Life is short, so smile while you still have teeth.

More issues than Vogue.

The only marathons I run are on Netflix.

Not lazy; just in energy-saving mode.

How’s the algorithm treating you today?

I have no selfie control.

Young, dumb, and broke.

My favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch. I call it lunch.

I eat cake because it’s somebody’s birthday somewhere.

Some days you just have to create your own sunshine.

Being happy never goes out of style.

I washed my hair for this pic.

They call me Ranch cause I will be dressing.

What matters is on the inside. Like the fridge, for example.

“I’m not crazy, my reality is just different from yours.”

“I’m not always right, but I’m never wrong.”

“I’m not perfect, but I’m perfectly imperfect.”

“I’m not weird, I’m just limited edition.”

“I’m not a morning person, I’m a coffee person.”

“I don’t always have a plan, but I have a cute outfit.”

“I don’t have a bad attitude, I have a sarcastic one.”

“I’m not procrastinating, I’m just prioritizing my nap time.”

“I’m not old, I’m just chronologically gifted.”

“I’m not sure what my mood is, but I definitely need coffee.”

“I don’t need a filter, I’m naturally radiant.”

“I’m not perfect, but my eyebrows are on point today.”

Also Read: Unique and Cool Attitude Captions for Boys & Girls.

Instagram Funny Captions for Couples

“I love you more than pizza, and that’s saying a lot.”

“My boyfriend/girlfriend thinks I’m crazy, but I’m just hilarious.”

“I can’t believe I found someone who’s just as weird as I am.”

“I love you even when I’m hangry.”

“My partner in crime and in laughter.”

“He’s my lobster, and I’m his side of fries.”

“You’re the cheese to my macaroni.”

“He’s my Prince Charming, and I’m his annoying little mouse.”

“I love you more than Kanye loves Kanye.”

“We go together like coffee and donuts.”

You’re cute, can I keep you?

We finish each other’s sandwiches.

I know I’m a handful but that’s why you’ve got two hands.

Some things just go better together (like wine and cheese or you and me).

Slid into the DMs. Rest is history.

You’re my favorite person to text… 100 times a day.

Sharing is caring… that’s why you always give me the last slice of pizza.

They say honesty is the key to any relationship. If you can fake that, you’re in.

The one who always feeds me when I’m hangry.

I’m crazy for you. Either that or I’m just plain crazy.

Orange you glad you met me?

Thanks for agreeing to take a million photos until we got the perfect one!

Love is talking to you even before my first cup of coffee.

Besides chocolate, you’re my favorite.

Hey, we clean up pretty well!

I love you even when I’m hungry. 😂

Willing to risk cookies for you.

Sorry, but you’re stuck with me now!

In my totally unbiased opinion, we’re the cutest couple ever.

Love is sharing your popcorn.

To the only person who will laugh at my jokes.

Here’s our submission for the cutest couple award.

I love you more than pizza, and that’s saying a lot.

Thanks for killing all the bugs for me.

Just a couple of weirdos in love.

“I never want to stop making memories with you, even if they’re embarrassing ones.”

“He’s the peanut butter to my jelly.”

“I’m so glad we both swiped right.”

“I’m not saying you’re my soulmate, but I’m not not saying it either.”

“I love you more than chocolate, and that’s a lot.”

“My partner in crime and in silliness.”

“I didn’t choose the couple life, the couple life chose me.”

“We may be a little weird, but that’s why we’re perfect for each other.”

“I never knew I needed someone to help me finish my fries until I met you.”

“We’re not perfect, but we’re pretty hilarious together.”

Also Read: Best His Prettiest Problem Captions.

Instagram Funny Captions for Friends

“We go together like drunk and disorderly.”

“Friends who eat together, stay together.”

“We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.”

“My friends are the reason why my cheeks hurt from laughing.”

“A good friend knows how to make you laugh, even when you feel like crying.”

“Friends don’t let friends do stupid things alone.”

“I’d walk through fire for my best friend. Well, not fire, that would be dangerous. But a super humid room…but not too humid because you know…my hair.”

“Our friendship is like a pizza. Even when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.”

“We’re the best of friends because we hate the same things.”

“We may not have it all, but we have each other and that’s everything.”

“Friends don’t let friends skip leg day…or wine day.”

“We’re not just friends, we’re family…that chose to be friends.”

“I never let my friends do stupid things alone…because then I wouldn’t be able to laugh at them.”

“We’re not a squad, we’re a family.”

“I don’t need therapy, I have my friends.”

Besties for the resties.

Two peas in a pod! (Or two clowns in a circus.)

Did you expect a pic with anyone else?

We’re a package deal.

How could you not double-tap these faces?

We don’t need a filter, just group therapy.

We’re not crazy, we’re ‘mentally hilarious.’

Blessed with a bestie.

We put down our food for this.

I hope we’ll be besties forever. When we die, we can become ghosts and scare people forever.

Proof that friendship is just hating the same stuff.

Don’t judge me based on my friend’s comment. I can not control them.

We are cupcakes in a world of muffins.

When worst comes to worst, the squad comes first.

Because friends are therapists we can cheer with them.

The best memories come from the worst ideas.

Best friends don’t care if your house is clean. They care if you have snacks.

A true friend overlooks your failures and tolerates your success!

She knows where the bodies are buried.

Friends, not filters.

Life’s short and so are we.

The bags under our eyes are designer.

We put the ‘we’ in ‘weird.’

Good friends and bad ideas.

I don’t wanna go to heaven since none of my friends will be there.

“A true friend is someone who thinks that you’re a good egg even though they know you’re slightly cracked.”

“Friends are like snowflakes, each one is unique and special…and melts under pressure.”

“Friends who sweat together, stay together.”

“I don’t know what’s tighter, our jeans or our friendship.”

“Friends are like bras, close to your heart and there to support you.”

Funny Instagram Captions for Selfie

“I woke up like this…disheveled and fabulous.”

“The selfie game is strong with this one.”

“Don’t worry, be selfie.”

Savage, not average.

I showered for this pic.

Natural beauty or a whole lot of dry shampoo?

What matters is on the inside. Like the fridge, for example.

Holding it all together with just one bobby pin.

 Do I clean up nice or what?

Be as picky with who you date as you are with selfies.

May your coffee be hot and your eyeliner even.

Behind every great selfie is a bestie who approved it.

Never underestimate a good hair day or good lighting.

Done chasing because I’m the catch.

Selfie for your thoughts.

 My evil twin.

 I got dressed today.

 Life’s not perfect, but your outfit can be.

“I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right in this selfie.”

“Selfie on fleek.”

“Selfie Sunday, because why not?”

“I don’t always take selfies, but when I do, I make sure to look ridiculous.”

“Just trying to capture my good side…which is every side, obviously.”

“Who needs a filter when you’ve got a smile like mine?”

“I don’t always take selfies, but when I do, I make sure my hair looks amazing.”

“I’m not lazy, I’m just conserving my energy for taking amazing selfies.”

“The best selfies are the ones where you can’t see your double chin.”

“I don’t always take selfies, but when I do, I look like I just woke up from a nap.”

“Selfie game strong, confidence game even stronger.”

“When in doubt, take a selfie.”

“Life is too short for bad selfies.”

“I may not be perfect, but my selfie game is on point.”

“I’m not vain, I just like to admire myself in photos.”

“Selfies: because sometimes your friends need a reminder of how awesome you are.”

“Taking selfies like it’s my job.”

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Funny Instagram Captions for Christmas

“Merry Christmas! May your holiday season be filled with eggnog and awkward family photos.”

“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, but if the white runs out, I’ll drink the red.”

“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing loud for all to hear… or just post funny memes on Instagram.”

“All I want for Christmas is a big, fat bank account and a thin, slim body. But I guess I’ll settle for cookies and eggnog.”

“Dear Santa, I’ve been good all year… well, most of the time. Can we just focus on the ‘good’ part?”

“My favorite part of Christmas is pretending to be a good person in front of my relatives.”

“I’m not saying I’m Santa Claus, but have you ever seen us in the same room together?”

“Christmas is the only time of year when it’s socially acceptable to wear an ugly sweater and eat a whole turkey by yourself.”

“I’m dreaming of a warm Christmas… but let’s be real, I live in Florida.”

“I can’t wait to see my family for Christmas… said no one ever.”

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again. Or just give up and have some eggnog.”

“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is to buy everyone gifts so they have to be nice to you for at least a day.”

“I can’t wait to see the look on my family’s faces when they open the gifts I got them… mostly because I have no idea what I bought them.”

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year… for awkward office Christmas parties and regrettable Secret Santa gifts.”

“All I want for Christmas is to be on the ‘nice’ list… but let’s be real, that ship has sailed.”

“Christmas is the one time of year when it’s perfectly acceptable to put up a dead tree in your living room and cover it with shiny objects.”

“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones I used to know… before global warming ruined everything.”

“Santa Claus is coming to town… and he better bring some decent presents this year.”

“If you hear a strange noise on Christmas Eve, it’s probably just me eating all the cookies and drinking all the milk.”

“I hope Santa remembers to bring me a gift this year… I mean, I’ve only been hinting at it for the past six months.”

General Funny Instagram Captions

The bags under my eyes are Gucci.

Some days I amaze myself. Today is not one of those days.

If I don’t post a picture, did it even really happen?

Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s the filter.

I got 99 problems but a bad angle ain’t one.

PSA: I did not wake up like this.

More issues than Vogue.

Felt cute. Will not be deleting it later.

Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

I put the “pro” in procrastinating.

Even I don’t believe myself when I say I’ll be ready in 5 minutes.

I’m just a girl standing in front of a camera asking if this is Instagram-


I call this hairstyle “I tried.”

Does this selfie make my ego look big?

I know that looks aren’t everything, but I have them just in case.

If I was funny, I’d have a better Instagram caption for this.

Today is one of those days that even my coffee needs a coffee.

Of course, I talk to myself. Sometimes I need an expert’s opinion.

They call it a ‘selfie’ because ‘narcissistic’ is too hard to spell.

My bed is a magical place I suddenly remember everything I have to do.

Wine + Dinner = Winner

I don’t care what people think of me. Mosquitos find me attractive!

You can’t live a full life on an empty stomach.

Friday, my second favorite F word.

If you can’t remember my name, just say ‘chocolate’ … I’ll turn around.

Got a new phone today, my old phone failed the swimming test.

Can Bob the Builder fix my bad attitude?

Do I run? Yes, Out of time, patience, and money.

Reality called, so I hung up.

I know the voices in my head aren’t real … but sometimes their ideas are awesome.


In the end, we hope that you will like our list of instagram funny captions. Copy and paste any of your favorite caption for your Instagram posts to more entertaining. And Yes, don’t forget to share your favorite caption in the comments below.

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